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paper set out to describe what CUG students considered as the most desirable
(best) attributes or characteristics of a good lecturer. The cross-sectional
descriptive survey was designed along quantitative paradigm. Data gathering was
done through questionnaire containing 44-items placed on a Likert type scale
and administered to 154 final year students of CUG across faculties in the
2021/2022 academic year. Only 4 respondents did not return their responses
thereby reducing the respondents to 150. The study revealed that lecturers who
covered the syllabus or course outlines; made subject intellectually exciting
inter alia as the most desirable. Students, however, detest or frown on and
even hate lecturers who accept gifts from them; give students undeserved grades
among others. The paper, therefore, recommends that management of universities
continue to use students’ evaluation reports on lecturers as an essential basis
for promoting lecturers. This would compel the academic staff to teach,
research and publish and not research and publish but fail to teach as it is
common today in most tertiary institutions. It would thus, become a factor in
the quality control of teaching.