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This paper aims at presenting an interactive approach that was implemented on Arab Open
University (AOU) students to enrich their productive skills namely speaking, oral
presentation and writing skills. The researcher aimed at establishing a community of practice
through a blended learning environment which considers non-traditional multicultural leaner.
This community of practice presents a combination of face-to-face facilitated learning,
e-learning and self-study. The researcher applied “Present to Learn” approach on AOU
students employing Johari Windows Model to develop the identified productive skills and
break the students’ stage fright through collaboration in groups. An observation checklist was
developed to check the students’ oral presentation and writing prompts. In addition, a
questionnaire was developed to measure the students’ satisfaction towards the applied
interactive approach and their assessment of the whole experiment. It was observed that
cooperative work especially with having critical partners has improved the students’
performance achievement through learning from each other in one group and competing with
other groups. The collected feedback from the questionnaire was in favour of applying this
approach on more groups which was implemented across three consecutive academic
semesters. Moreover, the students’ end results were statistically analysed and a correlation
between high performance achievement and active participation inside and outside the class
was drawn. The results have shown that students who participated by giving presentations
reflecting their group work obtained higher grades than those who failed to work with others
or did not give any presentations.